Did you know?

A Life Time of Wear and Tear


The average person in the US takes 3000-5000 steps a day.
The ideal number of steps in a day is 10,000. 90 steps per minute.
10,000 steps are approximately 5 miles (depends on stride length).
30 minutes per day, 365 days per year, 70 years of walking =  68,985,000  steps.

(New York Times Thursday, February 9, 2012)   



  • All foot types have unique gait patterns, foot position, callus patterns, and arch heights.
  • Foot types are a phenotypic genetic trait and are inherited from our parents.
  • You inherit your foot type similar to inheriting eye color.
  • Children should develop an arch by the age of 7-8 years old.
  • Growing pains are NOT normal and should be taken seriously.
  • Pain is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. Respect what your body is telling you and modify your activity or stop if you are hurting.
  • Knees can endure forces ranging from 2-5 times your body weight with physical activity. Losing 10 pounds of body weight can take 30 pounds of force off your knees.
  • It is recommended that you change your running shoes every 300 miles.
  • Don’t jump into a new exercise program too quickly. Always progress slowly with activities that are lower in impact such as biking, rowing, swimming, running in a pool with the weight vest on, elliptical, etc. Avoid consecutive days of running or jumping activities.
  • CROSS TRAIN! Allow your muscles, joints, and bones to adapt to the stresses of a new fitness program.
  • It can take longer for foot injuries to heal because we weight bear on them so much!

Sole Remedy specializes in gait analysis, foot type assessment, musculoskeletal injury management and fall prevention.
Phone: 508-295-8800 or 855-FOOT RX 9 to schedule an appointment today!